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How to migrate to the new version of PSE - Checkout API - Mercado Pago Developers

How to migrate to the new version of PSE

Checkout API currently has a new PSE integration, which will allow buyers to use this payment method in a simplified way.

If you already have a PSE integration implemented in Checkout API, you can upgrade to this new version by including new fields during payment creation. Follow the steps below to learn how to do it correctly.

If you haven't implemented an integration with PSE yet and want to know how to develop one, see the guide for new integrations .

Add new fields to the payment form


To begin the migration, you will need to add new required fields to the payment form that you had already added to your project. These new fields will be related to the buyer's address and telephone number, as shown in the table below:

payer.address.zip_codeBuyer’s zip code.
payer.address.street_nameStreet name of the buyer’s address.
payer.address.street_numberNumber of the buyer's address.
payer.address.neighborhoodNeighborhood where the buyer’s address belongs.
payer.address.cityBuyer’s city.
payer.phone.area_codeArea code of the buyer’s phone.
payer.phone.numberBuyer's phone number.

In the example below, you'll find a new code structure that includes all of these required fields and the HTML elements you'll need in the next steps.


<form id="form-checkout" action="/process_payment" method="post">
        <label for="zipCode">Zip Code</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__zipCode" name="zipCode" type="text">
        <label for="streetName">Street Name</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__streetName" name="streetName" type="text">
        <label for="streetNumber">Street Number</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__streetNumber" name="streetNumber" type="text">
        <label for="neighborhood">Neighborhood</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__neighborhood" name="neighborhood" type="text">
        <label for="city">Ciudad</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__city" name="city" type="text">
        <label for="federalUnit">Unidad Federal</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__federalUnit" name="federalUnit" type="text">
        <label for="phoneAreaCode">PhoneAreaCode</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__phoneAreaCode" name="phoneAreaCode" type="text">
        <label for="phoneNumber">PhoneNumber</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__phoneNumber" name="phoneNumber" type="text">
        <label for="email">E-mail</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__email" name="email" type="text">
        <label for="personType">Tipo de persona</label>
        <select id="form-checkout__personType" name="personType" type="text">
          <option value="natural">Natural</option>
          <option value="juridica">Jurídica</option>
        <label for="identificationType">Tipo de documento</label>
        <select id="form-checkout__identificationType" name="identificationType" type="text"></select>
        <label for="identificationNumber">Número del documento</label>
        <input id="form-checkout__identificationNumber" name="identificationNumber" type="text">
        <label for="banksList">Banco</label>
        <div id="banksList"></div> 
        <input type="hidden" name="transactionAmount" id="transactionAmount" value="100">
        <input type="hidden" name="description" id="description" value="Nome do Produto">
        <button type="submit">Pagar</button>

Obtain document types


In this new integration with PSE, it is necessary to be able to obtain and send only the document types that correspond to the type of person selected during the payment form addition.

This is a change comparing with the old integration, in which this differentiation was not necessary.

To obtain the document types automatically, use the following function:


document.getElementById('form-checkout__personType').addEventListener('change', e => {
	const personTypesElement = document.getElementById('form-checkout__personType');

function updateSelectOptions(selectedValue) {

	const naturalDocTypes = [
		new Option('C.C', 'CC'),
		new Option('C.E.', 'CE'),
		new Option('Pasaporte', 'PAS'),
		new Option('Tarjeta de Extranjería', 'TE'),
		new Option('Tarjeta de Identidad ', 'TI'),
		new Option('Registro Civil', 'RC'),
		new Option('Documento de Identificación', 'DI')
	const juridicaDocTypes = [
		new Option('NIT', 'NIT')
	const idDocTypes = document.getElementById('form-checkout__identificationType');

	if (selectedValue === 'natural') {
		idDocTypes.options.length = 0;
		naturalDocTypes.forEach(item => idDocTypes.options.add(item, undefined));
	} else {
		idDocTypes.options.length = 0;
		juridicaDocTypes.forEach(item => idDocTypes.options.add(item, undefined));

List banks


When creating a payment with PSE, it is necessary to send the bank code that will be used to make the transfer. To do this, you must list the available banks and offer these options to the payer, so that they can choose the bank of their preference.

To obtain the list of banks available for PSE you must first, from the backend, obtain the payment methods by sending a GET with your Access Token to the endpoint /v1/payment_methods, or obtain them through our SDKs and send them to the frontend.

In the following example, you can see how to send payment methods through an application endpoint, /payment_methods. Once this endpoint is called from the frontend, the list of banks available for PSE is obtained through the financial_institutions field within the object with id=pse.


       "id": "pse",
       "name": "PSE",
       "payment_type_id": "bank_transfer",
       "status": "active",
       "secure_thumbnail": "https://www.mercadopago.com/org-img/MP3/API/logos/pse.gif",
       "thumbnail": "https://www.mercadopago.com/org-img/MP3/API/logos/pse.gif",
       "deferred_capture": "does_not_apply",
       "settings": [],
       "additional_info_needed": [
       "min_allowed_amount": 1600,
       "max_allowed_amount": 340000000,
       "accreditation_time": 30,
       "financial_institutions": [
               "id": "1040",
               "description": "Banco Agrario"
               "id": "1507",
               "description": "NEQUI"
               "id": "1052",
               "description": "Banco AV Villas"
               "id": "1032",
               "description": "Banco Caja Social"
       "processing_modes": [

To display the list of banks, create a select element in javascript, and enrich it with the data returned in the API call, as this example also shows.


function setPse() {
        .then(async function(response) {
            const paymentMethods = await response.json();
            const pse = paymentMethods.filter((method) => method.id === 'pse')[0];
            const banksList = pse.financial_institutions;
            const banksListElement = document.getElementById('banksList');
            const selectElement = document.createElement('select');
            selectElement.name = 'financialInstitution';

            banksList.forEach(bank => {
                const option = document.createElement('option');
                option.value = bank.id;
                option.textContent = bank.description;


        }).catch(function(reason) {
            console.error('Failed to get payment methods', reason);
We recommend that, when displaying the list of banks, you do it in alphabetical order and ascending i.e., from A to Z.

To get the dynamic elements of the previous examples created with these javascripts loaded when the page finishes rendering, you can use the following code:


(function initCheckout() {
    try {
        const docTypeElement = document.getElementById('form-checkout__identificationType');
    }catch(e) {
        return console.error('Error getting identificationTypes: ', e);

Send payment


Sending a payment with the new PSE implementation involves only a few changes.

You must send a POST with the required parameters to the /v1/payments endpoint and execute the request, but it will be necessary to add the new required fields (address and phone).

Below you can see a complete example for reference, followed by a description of each field to send:

use MercadoPago\Client\Payment\PaymentClient;
use MercadoPago\MercadoPagoConfig;

$client = new PaymentClient();
$payment = $client->create([
  "transaction_amount" => 5000,
  "description" => "Product description",
  "payment_method_id" => "pse",
  "additional_info" => [
    "ip_address" => ""
  "transaction_details" => [
    "financial_institution" => $_POST['financialInstitution']
  "callback_url" => "http://www.your-site.com",
  "email" => $_POST['email'],
  "identification" => [
       "type" => $_POST['identificationType'],
       "number" => $_POST['identificationNumber']
  "address" => [
        "zip_code" => $_POST['zipCode'],
        "street_name": $_POST['streetName'],
        "street_number": $_POST['streetNumber'],
        "neighborhood": $_POST['neighborhood'],
        "city": $_POST['city'],
        "federal_unit": $_POST['federalUnit']

  "phone" => [
       "area_code" => $_POST['phoneAreaCode'],
       "number" => $_POST['phoneNumber']
  "entity_type" => "individual";

echo implode($payment);

import { Payment, MercadoPagoConfig } from 'mercadopago';

const client = new MercadoPagoConfig({ accessToken: '<ACCESS_TOKEN>' });
const payment = new Payment(client);

      body: {
 	transaction_amount: 5000,
 	description: 'Product description',
 	payment_method_id: 'pse',
 	payer: {
 		entity_type: 'individual',
 		email: req.body.email,
 		identification: {
 			type: req.body.identificationType,
 			number: req.body.identificationNumber
            address: {
                 zip_code: req.body.zipCode,
                 street_name: req.body.streetName,
                 street_number: req.body.streetNumber,
                 neighborhood: req.body.neighborhood,
                 city: req.body.city,
                 Federal_unit: req.body.federalUnit
           phone: {
                 area_code: req.body.phoneAreaCode,
                 number: req.body.phoneNumber
 	additional_info: {
 		ip_address: ''
 	transaction_details: {
 		financial_institution: req.body.financialInstitution
 	callback_url: 'http://www.your-site.com'
}).then(function(response) {
 			status: response.body.status,
 			status_detail: response.body.status_detail,
 			id: response.body.id,
 	.catch(function(error) {


  PaymentClient client = new PaymentClient();

  IdentificationRequest identification =

  PaymentPayerAddressRequest address =

  PaymentPayerPhoneRequest phone =

  PaymentPayerRequest payer =

  PaymentAdditionalInfoRequest additionalInfo =

  PaymentTransactionDetailsRequest transactionDetails = PaymentTransactionDetailsRequest.builder()

  PaymentCreateRequest paymentCreateRequest = PaymentCreateRequest.builder()
  	.transactionAmount(new BigDecimal(5000))
  	.description("Product description")


require 'mercadopago'
sdk = Mercadopago::SDK.new('ACCESS_TOKEN')

payment_data = {

  transaction_amount: 5000,
  description: "Product description",
  payment_method_id: "pse",
  additional_info: {
    ip_address: ""
  transaction_details: {
    financial_institution: params[: financialInstitution]
  callback_url: "https://your-site.com"
  payer: {
    email: params[:email],
    entity_type: "individual",
    identification: {
      type: params[: identificationType],
      number: params[: identificationNumber]
    address: {
      zip_code: params[: zipCode],
      street_name: params[: streetName],
      street_number: params[: streetNumber],
      neighborhood: params[: neighborhood],
      city: params[: city],
      federal_unit: params[: federalUnit]
    phone: {
      area_code: params[: phoneAreaCode],
      number: params[: phoneNumber]

payment_response = sdk.payment.create(payment_data)
payment = payment_response[: response]

using System;
using MercadoPago.Client.Common;
using MercadoPago.Client.Payment;
using MercadoPago.Config;
using MercadoPago.Resource.Payment;

MercadoPagoConfig.AccessToken = "ACCESS_TOKEN";

var client = new PaymentClient();

var identification = new IdentificationRequest() {
  Type = request.IdentificationType,
    Number = request.IdentificationNumber

var address = new PaymentPayerAddressRequest() {
    ZipCode = request.ZipCode,
    StreetName = request.StreetName,
    StreetNumber = request.StreetNumber,
    Neighborhood = request.Neighborhood,
    City = request.City,
    FederalUnit = request.FederalUnit

var phone = new PaymentPayerPhoneRequest() {
    AreaCode = request.PhoneAreaCode,
    Number = request.PhoneNumber

var payer = new PaymentPayerRequest() {
    Email = request.Email,
    EntityType = "individual",
    Identification = identification,
    Address = address,
    Phone = phone

var additionalInfo = new PaymentAdditionalInfoRequest() {
  IpAddress = ""

var transactionDetails = new PaymentTransactionDetailsRequest() {
  FinancialInstitution = request.FinancialInstitution

var paymentCreateRequest = new PaymentCreateRequest() {
    TransactionAmount = 5000,
    Description = "Product description",
    PaymentMethodId = "pse",
    AdditionalInfo = additionalInfo,
    TransactionDetails = transactionDetails,
    CallbackUrl = "https://your-site.com",
    Payer = payer

var payment = await client.CreateAsync(paymentCreateRequest);

 import mercadopago
sdk = mercadopago.SDK("ACCESS_TOKEN")
payment_data = {
   "transaction_amount": 5000,
   "description": "Product description",
   "payment_method_id": "pse",
   "additional_info": {
      "ip_address": ""
   "transaction_details": {
      "financial_institution": request.POST.get("financialInstitution")
   "callback_url": "https://your-site.com"
   "payer": {
       "email": request.POST.get("email"),
       "entity_type": "individual",
       "identification": {
           "type": request.POST.get("identificationType"), 
           "number": request.POST.get("identificationNumber")
       "address": {
                 "zip_code": request.POST.get("zipCode"),
                 "street_name": request.POST.get("streetName"),
                 "street_number": request.POST.get("streetNumber"),
                 "neighborhood": request.POST.get("neighborhood"),
                 "city": request.POST.get("city"),
                 "federal_unit": request.POST.get("federalUnit")
       "phone": {
                 "area_code": request.POST.get("phoneAreaCode"),
                 "number": request.POST.get("phoneNumber")
payment_response = sdk.payment().create(payment_data)
payment = payment_response["response"]

 curl --location --request POST 'https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/payments' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Idempotency-Key: SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--d '{
    "transaction_amount": 5000,
    "description": "Product description",
    "payment_method_id": "pse",
    "payer": {
        "email": "test_user_19549678@testuser.com",
        "entity_type": "individual",
        "identification": {
            "type": "CC",
            "number": "76262349"
        "address": {
          "zip_code": "111",
          "street_name": "siempre viva",
          "street_number": "111",
          "neighborhood": "sarasa",
          "city": "salto",
          "federal_unit": "1"
        "phone": {
          "area_code": "011",
          "number": "2134242412"
    "additional_info": {
        "ip_address": ""
    "transaction_details": {
        "financial_institution": "1009"
    "callback_url": "http://www.your-site.com"


The table below has the full list of required fields for your reference:

FieldDescriptionPosssible values/validaationsRequest to get the values
transaction_amountPayment amount.Must be greater than 0.-
transaction_details.financial_institutionBank informed in the POST to make the electronic transfer. You must show the list to the user and allow him to select. This list usually refreshes, so it’s recommended to consume the information every hour.-https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/payment_methods/search?site_id=MCO&id=pse&public_key=YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY
payer.entity_typeType of person, natural or legal.individual or association-
payer.identification.typeBuyer's document type.Accepted values:
- RC (Registro Civil de Nacimiento)
- TI (Tarjeta de Identidad)
- CC (Cedula de Ciudadania)
- TE (Tarjeta de Extranjeria)
- CE (Cedula de Extranjeria)
- PAS (Pasaporte)
- DI (Documento de Identificación)
curl -X GET \
'https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/identification_types' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY'
payer.identification.numberBuyer's document number.String
Must have between 1 and 15 numeric positions. If it is of the 'passport' type, it will accept alphanumeric values.
payer.first_nameBuyer's first name.Must have between 1 and 32 positions.-
payer.last_nameBuyer's last name.Must have between 1 and 32 positions.-
payer.address.zip_codeZip code of the payer’s address.Must have exactly 5 positions.-
payer.address.street_nameStreet name of the payer’s address.Must have between 1 and 18 positions.-
payer.address.street_numberStreet number of the payer’s address.Must have between 1 and 5 positions.-
payer.address.neighborhoodNeighbourhood of the payer’s address.Must have between 1 and 18 positions.-
payer.address.cityPayer’s cityMust have between 1 and 18 positions.-
payer.phone.area_codeArea code of the payer’s phone number.Must have 3 positions.-
payer.phone.numberPayer’s phone number.String
Must have between 1 and 7 positions and only accepts numeric characters.
additional_info.ip_addressBuyer’s IP address, where the payment is made.--
callback_urlURL where the buyer is redirected by default after making the payment within the bank's page, when the buyer indicates that they want to return to the store.
You can check suggested messages to show the buyer under Examples for callback URLs.
Must not be null or empty and must have a maximum of 512 characters.-
notification_urlURL used to notify the application that the transfer has been completed.Must not be null or empty and must have a maximum of 512 characters.-

The response will show the pending status until the buyer completes the payment. Also, in the response to the request, the external_resource_url parameter will return a URL where you should redirect the buyer to complete the payment flow.


    "id": 1312147735,
    "operation_type": "regular_payment",
    "payment_method_id": "pse",
    "payment_type_id": "bank_transfer",
    "payment_method": {
        "id": "pse",
        "type": "bank_transfer"
    "status": "pending",
    "status_detail": "pending_waiting_transfer",
    "description": "Título del producto",
    "callback_url": "http://www.your-site.com",
    "installments": 1,
    "transaction_details": {
        "total_paid_amount": 5000,
        "external_resource_url": "https://www.mercadopago.com.co/sandbox/payments/1312147735/bank_transfer?caller_id=1148920820&hash=f41dd14f-b3a6-4ac4-9b78-5cfeb5a35e77",
        "financial_institution": "1009",
        "bank_transfer_id": 129229,
        "transaction_id": "10022214"
In case an error is returned when generating a payment, you can check the list of possible errors in the API Reference section , or go to Errors with PSE payments .

Examples of messages for the URL callback

Once the buyer makes the payment on the platform of the selected bank, they are redirected to a callback URL, in which they are informed of the status of their transaction.

In the new version of the integration, this is a mandatory field, so you will need to address the different transaction statuses.

Below, we show you examples of messages that you can offer, according to the three possible states in which a payment can be found.

Approved status

image of an approved transaction and the redirection

Pending status

Pending transaction image

Rejected status

Rejected transaction image