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PSE - Payments submission - Mercado Pago Developers



To make a payment with PSE, before processing it with the backend SDKs, it is necessary to send both data provided by the callback onSubmit and other data regarding the payer, which are:

FieldDescriptionPresent in the onSubmit callback of the brickPossible values/validations
transaction_amountPayment amount.YesAny value greater than 0.
transaction_details.financial_institutionBank specified to make the electronic transfer.YesMust correspond to an existing bank and cannot be sent null or empty.
payer.entity_typeType of entity, individual or association.Yesindividual or association.
payer.identification.typeType of document of the buyer.YesValues sent by the brick:
-CC (Cédula de Ciudadanía)
-CE (Cédula de Extranjería)
Accepted values (in addition to those sent by the brick):
-TE (Tarjeta de Extranjería)
- RC (Registro Civil de Nacimiento)
-TI (Tarjeta de Identidad)
-PAS (Passport)
- DI (Documento de Identificación)
payer.identification.numberDocument number of the buyer.YesString.
Must have between 1 to 15 numeric positions. If it is of the type "passport", it will accept alphanumeric values.
payer.first_nameFirst name of the buyer.NoMust have between 1 to 32 positions.
payer.last_nameLast name of the buyer.NoMust have between 1 to 32 positions.
payer.address.zip_codeZip code of the buyer.NoMust have exactly 5 positions.
payer.address.street_nameName of the street where the buyer lives.NoMust have between 1 to 18 positions.
payer.address.street_numberHouse number of the buyer.NoMust have between 1 to 5 positions.
payer.address.neighborhoodName of the neighborhood where the buyer lives.NoMust have between 1 to 18 positions.
payer.address.cityCity of the buyer.NoMust have between 1 to 18 positions.
payer.phone.area_codeArea code of the buyer's phone.NoMust have 3 positions.
payer.phone.numberPhone number of the buyer.NoString.
Must have between 1 to 5 positions and only accepts numeric characters.
descriptionDescription of the product or purchase.NoString. Does not have a minimum amount of characters.
additional_info.ip_addressIP address of the buyer, from where the payment is generated.NoString. Does not have a minimum amount of characters.
callback_urlPage where the buyer is redirected by default after making the payment within the bank's page, when the buyer indicates that he wants to return to the store.
More information can be found in the sections Redirect buyer to PSE and Show payment status.
NoMust have a maximum of 512 characters and cannot be null or empty.
notification_urlURL used to notify the application that the transfer has been completed.NoMust have a maximum of 512 characters and cannot be null or empty.
Sending the listed information, whether or not provided by the brick, is necessary for the completion of the payment and will be mandatory from 31/12/2024. This information can be obtained, for example, through a form or through the payer's registration data.

Below are some examples of how to send PSE payments to Mercado Pago.

use MercadoPago\Client\Common\RequestOptions;
use MercadoPago\Client\Payment\PaymentClient;
use MercadoPago\MercadoPagoConfig;


$client = new PaymentClient();
$request_options = new RequestOptions();
$request_options->setCustomHeaders(["X-Idempotency-Key: <SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE>"]);

$client = new PaymentClient();
$createRequest = [
  "transaction_amount" => 5000,
  "description" => "Product description",
  "payment_method_id" => "pse",
  "callback_url" => "http://www.your-site.com",
  "notification_url" => "http://www.your-site.com",
  "additional_info" => [
    "ip_address" => ""
  "transaction_details" => [
    "financial_institution" => $_POST['financialInstitution']
  "payer" => [
    "email" => $_POST['email'],
    "entity_type" => "individual",
    "first_name" => $_POST['firstName'],
    "last_name" => $_POST['lastName'],
    "identification" => [
        "type" => $_POST['identificationType'],
        "number" => $_POST['identificationNumber']
    "address" => [
        "zip_code" => $_POST['zipCode'],
        "street_name" => $_POST['streetName'],
        "street_number" => $_POST['streetNumber'],
        "neighborhood" => $_POST['neighborhood'],
        "city" => $_POST['city'],
        "federal_unit" => $_POST['federalUnit']
    "phone" => [
        "area_code" => $_POST['phoneAreaCode'],
        "number" => $_POST['phoneNumber']

$payment = $client->create($createRequest, $request_options);

import { Payment, MercadoPagoConfig } from 'mercadopago';

const client = new MercadoPagoConfig({ accessToken: '<ACCESS_TOKEN>' });
const payment = new Payment(client);

const requestOptions = {
	idempotencyKey: '<IDEMPOTENCY_KEY>',

const body = {
  transaction_amount: 5000,
  description: 'Product description',
  payment_method_id: 'pse',
  callback_url: 'http://www.your-site.com',
  notification_url: 'http://www.your-site.com',
  payer: {
    entity_type: 'individual',
    email: req.body.email,
    first_name: req.body.firstName,
    last_name: req.body.lastName,
    identification: {
      type: req.body.identificationType,
      number: req.body.identificationNumber
    address: {
      zip_code: req.body.zipCode,
      street_name: req.body.streetName,
      street_number: req.body.streetNumber,
      neighborhood: req.body.neighborhood,
      city: req.body.city,
      federal_unit: req.body.federalUnit
    phone: {
      area_code: req.body.phoneAreaCode,
      number: req.body.phoneNumber
  additional_info: {
    ip_address: ''
  transaction_details: {
    financial_institution: req.body.financialInstitution

payment.create({body, requestOptions})
  .then(function (response) {
  .catch(function (error) {


        Map<String, String> customHeaders = Map.of("X-Idempotency-Key", "...");
        MPRequestOptions requestOptions = MPRequestOptions.builder().customHeaders(customHeaders).build();

        PaymentClient client = new PaymentClient();

        IdentificationRequest identification = IdentificationRequest.builder()

        PaymentPayerAddressRequest address = PaymentPayerAddressRequest.builder()

        PaymentPayerPhoneRequest phone = PaymentPayerPhoneRequest.builder()

        PaymentPayerRequest payer = PaymentPayerRequest.builder()

        PaymentAdditionalInfoRequest additionalInfo = PaymentAdditionalInfoRequest.builder()

        PaymentTransactionDetailsRequest transactionDetails = PaymentTransactionDetailsRequest.builder()

        PaymentCreateRequest paymentCreateRequest = PaymentCreateRequest.builder()
                .transactionAmount(new BigDecimal(5000))
                .description("Product description")


require 'mercadopago'
sdk = Mercadopago::SDK.new('ACCESS_TOKEN')

custom_headers = {
 'x-idempotency-key': '<SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE>'

request_options = Mercadopago::RequestOptions.new(custom_headers: custom_headers)

body = {
  transaction_amount: 5000,
  description: "Product description",
  payment_method_id: "pse",
  callback_url: "https://your-site.com",
  notification_url: "https://your-site.com",
  additional_info: {
    ip_address: ""
  transaction_details: {
    financial_institution: params[:financialInstitution]
  payer: {
    email: params[:email],
    entity_type: "individual",
    first_name: params[:firstName],
    last_name: params[:lastName],
    identification: {
      type: params[:identificationType],
      number: params[:identificationNumber]
    address: {
      zip_code: params[:zipCode],
      street_name: params[:streetName],
      street_number: params[:streetNumber],
      neighborhood: params[:neighborhood],
      city: params[:city],
      federal_unit: params[:federalUnit]
    phone: {
      area_code: params[: phoneAreaCode],
      number: params[: phoneNumber]

payment_response = sdk.payment.create(body, request_options)
payment = payment_response[: response]

MercadoPagoConfig.AccessToken = "ACCESS_TOKEN";

var requestOptions = new RequestOptions();
requestOptions.CustomHeaders.Add(Headers.IDEMPOTENCY_KEY, "YOUR_IDEMPOTENCY_KEY");

var identification = new IdentificationRequest() {
  Type = request.IdentificationType,
    Number = request.IdentificationNumber

var address = new PaymentPayerAddressRequest() {
    ZipCode = request.ZipCode,
    StreetName = request.StreetName,
    StreetNumber = request.StreetNumber,
    Neighborhood = request.Neighborhood,
    City = request.City,
    FederalUnit = request.FederalUnit

var phone = new PaymentPayerPhoneRequest() {
    AreaCode = request.PhoneAreaCode,
    Number = request.PhoneNumber

var payer = new PaymentPayerRequest() {
    Email = request.Email,
    EntityType = "individual",
    FirstName = firstName,
    LastName = lastName,
    Identification = identification,
    Address = address,
    Phone = phone

var additionalInfo = new PaymentAdditionalInfoRequest() {
  IpAddress = ""

var transactionDetails = new PaymentTransactionDetailsRequest() {
  FinancialInstitution = request.FinancialInstitution

var paymentCreateRequest = new PaymentCreateRequest() {
    TransactionAmount = 5000,
    Description = "Product description",
    PaymentMethodId = "pse",
    AdditionalInfo = additionalInfo,
    TransactionDetails = transactionDetails,
    CallbackUrl = "https://your-site.com",
    NotificationUrl = "https://your-site.com",
    Payer = payer

var client = new PaymentClient();
var payment = await client.CreateAsync(paymentCreateRequest, requestOptions);

 import mercadopago
sdk = mercadopago.SDK("ACCESS_TOKEN")

request_options = mercadopago.config.RequestOptions()
request_options.custom_headers = {
    'X-Idempotency-Key': '<SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE>'
body = {
    "transaction_amount": 5000,
    "description": "Product description",
    "payment_method_id": "pse",
    "callback_url": "https://your-site.com",
    "notification_url": "https://your-site.com",
    "additional_info": {
        "ip_address": ""
    "transaction_details": {
        "financial_institution": request.POST.get("financialInstitution")
    "payer": {
        "email": request.POST.get("email"),
        "entity_type": "individual",
        "first_name": request.POST.get("firstName"),
        "last_name": request.POST.get("lastName"),
        "identification": {
            "type": request.POST.get("identificationType"), 
            "number": request.POST.get("identificationNumber")
        "address": {
            "zip_code": request.POST.get("zipCode"),
            "street_name": request.POST.get("streetName"),
            "street_number": request.POST.get("streetNumber"),
            "neighborhood": request.POST.get("neighborhood"),
            "city": request.POST.get("city"),
            "federal_unit": request.POST.get("federalUnit")
        "phone": {
            "area_code": request.POST.get("phoneAreaCode"),
            "number": request.POST.get("phoneNumber")
payment_response = sdk.payment().create(body, request_options)
payment = payment_response["response"]

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/payments' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ENV_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-H 'X-Idempotency-Key: SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--d '{
    "transaction_amount": 5000,
    "description": "Product description",
    "payment_method_id": "pse",
    "callback_url": "http://www.your-site.com",
    "notification_url": "http://www.your-site.com",
    "payer": {
        "email": "test_user_19549678@testuser.com",
        "entity_type": "individual",
        "first_name": "first name",
        "last_name": "last_name",
        "identification": {
            "type": "type",
            "number": "number"
        "address": {
          "zip_code": "111",
          "street_name": "street name",
          "street_number": "street number",
          "neighborhood": "neighborhood",
          "city": "city",
          "federal_unit": "federal unit"
        "phone": {
          "area_code": "area code",
          "number": "number"
    "additional_info": {
        "ip_address": ""
    "transaction_details": {
        "financial_institution": "1009"


Below is an example of the response:


   "id": 1312147735,
   "operation_type": "regular_payment",
   "payment_method_id": "pse",
   "payment_type_id": "bank_transfer",
   "payment_method": {
       "id": "pse",
       "type": "bank_transfer"
   "status": "pending",
   "status_detail": "pending_waiting_transfer",
   "description": "Product title",
   "callback_url": "http://www.your-site.com",
   "installments": 1,
   "transaction_details": {
       "total_paid_amount": 10000,
       "external_resource_url": "https://www.mercadopago.com.co/sandbox/payments/1312147735/bank_transfer?caller_id=1148920820&hash=f41dd14f-b3a6-4ac4-9b78-5cfeb5a35e77",
       "financial_institution": "1009",
       "bank_transfer_id": 129229,
       "transaction_id": "10022214"

The response, as you can see in the json above, will show the pending status until the buyer makes the payment.

Redirect buyer to PSE

After creating the payment in your backend with the Mercado Pago SDK, you need to redirect the buyer to the PSE platform to carry out the bank transfer. After making the payment, the buyer will be redirected back to your website. To run this flow, just follow these steps:

  1. After creating the payment in your backend, use the id field received in the response to render the Status Screen Brick on your frontend. This Brick will inform the user that we will take him to the PSE page and a few seconds later the redirection takes place automatically.

  2. When the buyer completes the payment on the PSE platform, he will be redirected to your website through the callback_url that was sent to us when creating the payment. In addition, the payment_id field will be added as a url parameter in this callback. In this way, you can re-render the Status Screen Brick so that the buyer can see the final payment status on your website.


Show payment status

Once the payment has already been completed, it is also possible to continue using the Status Screen Brick to show the payment status to the user on your website, for example. Simply create the Status Screen instance using the payment ID.


Test your integration

With the integration completed, you will be able to test payment reception. For more information, access the section Make test purchase.