The quality of your integration can now be automatically evaluated
Did you know that the performance of your applications is linked to the technical quality of your integration?
To help you understand how and in what ways you can improve its performance, our development team has made adjustments to our quality measurement tool. From now on, the quality of integrations with Checkout API, Checkout Pro, Checkout Bricks, and Mercado Pago Point will be measured automatically.
To find out what has changed and how your integration will be evaluated from now on, continue reading, as we will explain all the necessary details and the impact on your business.
What is a quality measurement?
It is an evaluation that checks and ensures that your development meets the necessary quality and security requirements to provide both the seller and the buyer with the best experience with Mercado Pago.
Why is it important to measure my integration?
Evaluating your integration is extremely important because high-quality integration increases the probability of approved payment conversions and ensures a good experience for the person making the payment. Therefore, it offers a better experience for both the seller and the buyer using Mercado Pago.
Additionally, maintaining a quality integration helps ensure the consistency of financial verifications of transactions registered with Mercado Pago, and consequently, the secure use of data involved in purchases.
What types of measurements exist?
Until now, the only way to evaluate the quality of your integration was manually, inserting on your own a productive payment ID of a payment made in your application.
Now, manual measurement will coexist with automatic quality measurement: all applications integrated with Checkout API, Checkout Bricks, Checkout Pro, and Mercado Pago Point will be evaluated between the 1st and 7th of each month by Mercado Pago, and the results will be reflected on the 10th of each month in the Integration Quality section.
If your integration has not been measured automatically yet, you can proactively do it manually to diagnose your development whenever you want, as long as the application has received a productive payment.
Upon entering for the first time, you'll experience a guided tour, with detailed explanations of each screen component and information on what needs to be done.
What does automatic measurement entail?
The new automatic measurement process will depend on whether you have an old or previously evaluated integration or if it's a new one.
In the case of a new integration, as soon as it has a productive payment in the final stage of development, it will be evaluated, and you will receive the score within the developer panel.
For old integrations, automatic measurement will occur if we identify a productive payment between the 1st and 7th of each month. The result will be reflected on the 10th on the Integration Quality section.
Remember that some products will not be automatically evaluated. In the case of QR Code, it will need to be done manually. Plugins and platforms are not evaluable.
Where can I check my score?
On a scale of 100 points, the minimum approval score is 73. You can view this in your own panel (Your integrations > Rating > Quality measurement), along with complementary information on what needs adjustment and the score assigned to each aspect, depending on each particular case.
Your integration can receive 3 results based on the score obtained in the measurement:
Failed: your integration does not meet the minimum number of requirements to reach 73.
Approved with opportunities: your integration fulfills part of the requirements, but there are still opportunities to improve quality.
Approved with an ideal score: your integration meets all requirements.
For more details on the evaluation criteria and our best practices, access the Integration Quality documentation.
This proposal aims to ensure that your integration becomes increasingly secure and efficient, without extra effort on your part. Discover the results of your evaluation month by month from Your integrations, and focus on what truly matters: offering quality integrations in a continuous improvement process, thanks to the best practices suggested by Mercado Pago based on these evaluations.